With the club we train twice a week all through the year. Depending on the season the locations and times may vary. Our practices are open to people from all playing levels, from people who just started to people who play for the national team!
Outdoor season
Monday | 19:00-20:30 | Sportpark het Noorden, Iepenlaan 89a |
Wednesday | 19:00-20:30 | Sportpark het Noorden, Iepenlaan 89a |
Indoor season
Monday | 20:30-23:00 | Sporthal Lewenborg Kajuit 323 |
Wednesday | 19:00-20:30 | Sportpark het Noorden, Iepenlaan 89a |
Open practices
If you want to see if ultimate frisbee is a sport for you you can join one of our open practices! The next open practices we organise are planned for:
Monday 31-08 19:00 @sportpark het Noorden
Wednesday 02-09 19:00 @ sportpark het Noorden
If you can't make it to one of the open practices feel free to send us a message so we can arrange an opportunity for you to try out the sport!
Next to the open practices we are also hosting a 5-week beginners course starting on Wednesday the 9th of September. This course is the perfect way to get started with the sport if you have no experience. For more information about the beginners course or to sign up send us an Email!

Practices Outdoor season
During the outdoor season, we train outdoors twice a week. On Monday we train with everyone together and work on fundamental skills, techniques, and tactics that are important for everyone. On Wednesdays the group is split up into the competition teams/skill level.
Practices Indoor season
During the Indoor season practices on Monday are indoors in sporthal Lewenborg. The training time is divided over the teams with some teams training together. On Wednesdays practices stay outdoors at Sportpark het Noorden during the winter. The practices on Wednesday in the indoor season are similar to the Monday practices during the outdoor season.